Tuesday, December 3, 2013


 Me personally I don't believe a baby should be killed. Having a baby is a blessing. I'm sure everyone knows the consequence for having sex, producing a baby is one of them. Now you shouldn't kill the baby, but yet just give them up for adoption. Give the baby to those who aren't able to have a baby. Use protection if you're not ready for a baby, but if you do have a baby I think you should have to keep the baby until its born. Maybe that'll change your mind on babies. Some might say to have an abortion before the baby develops, that's still killing because you're killing the eggs. 

Now since babies are expensive, some should have that option, because there isn't any point to bring a baby into the world just so it can starve. A lot of people give up babies just because the pressure of taking care of one and the responsibility of having one. There should be a fine, plus a huge cost for having an abortion. I know its the women choice, but look at it this way. Did your mother give you up? Why take the life of a possible future president. I just think the government should have a consequence for a boarding a baby. But also give more help to those he need it and want to keep their child. Im sure the Government is unsure on how to handle this subject. But they need to take more of the public opinion. Disregard the non-sense however.