Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Gay Marriage Talk!

I agree With Ms. Crystal Reese that the government shouldn’t get that up-tight about gay marriage, and just let the gays be. There are bigger problems and our government than two of the same sex people being with one another. Our whole country should be open to it. It’s not the 1800’s anymore. “They just need to ignore it and move on with their lives and keep believing in what they believe.  We should support gay marriage.” Summed that up perfectly and I agree with it.

We’re a “freedom country,” right? So, why can't people have that right to do what they wish to do. If they want to marry the same sex human, let them. If they want to marry a bear, let them. “Only if the bear is cool with that” The point I’m getting at is that people should marry whoever they want. Maybe they just couldn’t find love with the opposite sex.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The Bigger Picture

Republicans are not doing their jobs like they’re suppose too. Instead of trying to eliminate the Democrats from the picture, they should be wanting to help solve our nation’s problems. Seem as if they’re more wrapped up with fighting and disagreeing with the Democrats. We should eliminate the “childish” people and put mature people in the office to handle the bigger picture, and that’s making our nation stronger as one.

Their voters should wake up and see that some of these Republicans are pulling our nation down. Their hate for our president, overcomes the love for our country. For example, they tried to make the “shutdown” continue just to get something out of it. That was extremely selfish and also hurt our economy. For What? Nothing at all!

We vote for them, so they can do what’s right for our country, not for themselves or a couple of people. We should stop re-electing these selfish, inconsiderate people, but instead put in the people that’s going to look out for country. I'm not saying the Democrats are perfect, but from what I'm seeing it seem they’re more into helping instead of trying to fight with eachother. Republicans should be making more proposals instead of shooting down ideals just to be a bully. Now after the government shutdown. The Republicans might start disagreeing with almost all the Democrats proposals so they can get back at them, since they lost the shutdown. Our country isn’t perfect and this is one reason why. One nation under all is what I thought we pelage too?